Manuel Chakravarty Title: Type Families in Haskell One of the main contributions of Haskell was the elegant combination of ad hoc polymorphism, in the form of type classes, with the parametric polymorphism of the Hindley-Milner type system. It essentially re-interprets function overloading as type-indexed families of functions. In Haskell 98 this concept of type-indexed families is however restricted to functions, or to be precise to values. In recent years, the Haskell community has aimed at extending this capability to type-indexed families of types. Most of the approaches have centered around the use of type classes with functional dependencies and various forms of generic programming. In this talk, I describe a more direct approach adding type families, also known as associated types, as an explicit feature to Haskell. The extension is fully backwards compatible and integrates with other cutting-edge type extensions, such as generalised abstract data types (GADTs). We already have implemented data type families fully into the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, the most widely used Haskell system, and are currently implementing synonym families. The aim is to include type families in the next stable release - version 6.8 - of GHC.